Jordan- Arab Region Could Face Severe Water Crisis By 2015
Via The Jordan Times, an article on the impending water crisis facing the Middle East: Arab countries are expected to [...]
The Thirsty Dragon and Parched Tiger: Rivals For Influence Over Nepal’s Hydropower
Via China Dialogue, a look at how the rivalry between Beijing and New Delhi for influence in Nepal will shape [...]
U.S. Response to Africa’s Future Water Crisis Takes Shape
Via AllAfrica, a report on US government’s plans to develop a strategy for addressing the impending global water crisis in [...]
The Coming Global Water Crisis
Courtesy of The Atlantic, an interesting look at the global water crisis: The recent UN alert that drought in the [...]
Unsustainable Water Use Threatens China, India, Pakistan, South Africa And USA
Via Maplecroft, a new report on the threat that unsustainable water use presents to the world: The viability of water [...]
Pakistan’s Water And Climate Change Challenges
Via Foreign Policy, an interesting article on Pakistan’s climate change and water challenges: Last month, an avalanche on the Siachen [...]

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