Archive for May, 2015

In Israel, Desalinization At The Heart Of A Water Revolution

Courtesy of The New York Times, a look at Israel’s comprehensive efforts to combat water scarcity: At the peak of the drought, Shabi Zvieli, an Israeli gardener, feared for his livelihood. A hefty tax was placed on excessive household water consumption, penalizing families with lawns, swimming pools or leaky pipes. So many of Mr. Zvieli’s […]

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The Tragedy Of The Aral Sea

Via National Geographic, a detailed look at the tragedy of the Aral Sea since 1987, when the Aral Sea split into northern and southern halves. The completion of Kazakhstan’s Kokaral Dam in 2005 worsened the divide, reviving the northern sea but cutting off the southern sea from the Syr Darya river. By 2014, irrigation and […]

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Where The River Runs Dry: Southwestern America’s Water Crisis

Courtesy of The New Yorker, a detailed look at the US southwest’s water crisis: Our pilot, David Kunkel, asked me to retrieve his oxygen bottle from under my seat, and when I handed it to him he gripped the plastic breathing tube with his teeth and opened the valve. We had taken off from Boulder […]

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Water Scarcity: Major Factor In Middle East Tensions

Via Water Online, an article on the impact that water scarcity is having upon Middle East tension: Water crises in the Middle East are helping “radicalize” the region, according to VICE. The inaccessibility of clean drinking water, water scarcity, drought, and food insecurity all combine to “make communities vulnerable—especially to extremist groups. By either providing water access […]

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Federal Dollars Financing The Water Crisis In The American West

Via Pro Public, an interesting detailed look at how federal dollars are financing the water crisis in the West: STATE ROUTE 87, the thin band of pavement that approaches the mostly shuttered town of Coolidge, Ariz., cuts through some of the least hospitable land in the country. The valley of red and brown sand is interrupted […]

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Peace Pipe: China’s Plan To Pump Water To Taiwan

Courtesy of The Economist, a report on a Chinese plan to pump water to its rival, Taiwan: Kinmen, a cluster of tiny islands two kilometres (just over a mile) off the coast of China’s Fujian Province, bears the scars of many a past battle. Chiang Kai-shek used the archipelago for his rearguard after Mao Zedong’s […]

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