Archive for 2009

Kyrgyzstan’s New Dam Concerns Its Central Asian Neighbors

Via Reuters, a report that Kyrgyzstan has begun to dam a key Central Asian river to build a new hydroelectric power plant, a project criticised by neighbouring nations who fear it will disrupt water supplies. As the article notes: “…Water sharing is a contentious issue in Central Asia, an arid, mainly Muslim region where water-thirsty […]

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India: Starting A Water Fight?

Via Newsweek, a report that India may be positioning itself to gain control over two Afghan rivers .  As the article notes: “…Washington has lately become concerned that Pakistan is dragging its feet in the fight against the Taliban because it sees the Islamists as a check on its archrival, India, whose influence in Afghanistan […]

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The Transformation Of The Mekong River

Courtesy of The New York Times, a report on the Mekong River which flows through six countries, all of which have various needs and uses for its waters.  As the article notes: “…The Mekong has long held a mystique for outsiders, whether they be American G.I.’s in the Delta during the Vietnam War or ill-starred […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: High & Dry

Via The Financial Times, an accessible look at China’s North – South Diversion project: Standing in the rubble of her home, with the sun setting on the graves of her ancestors behind her, Li De breaks down as she describes being relocated to make way for the Chinese government’s latest grand engineering project. Her house […]

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Bolivia’s Water Future: Melting Away

As covered on 5 December, Bolivia’s La Paz area may be one of South America’s first large cities to feel the impact of water shortages in a major urban center (along with Mexico City).   The New York Times added a piece on this impending dilemma today as well.  As the article notes: The Milluni reservoir […]

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Updated Water Conflict Chronology

Via Peter Gleick’s always insightful blog, a report that the Pacific Institute has released a completely revamped Water Conflict Chronology.  As the article notes, this is part of the Institute’s ongoing effort to understand the connections between water resources, water systems, and international security and conflict: “…Water Number: 203. The Pacific Institute’s newly designed Water […]

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