Archive for the ‘Morocco’ Category

Drought Gripping Morocco Is Bad Omen for Global Food Supplies

Via Bloomberg, a report on how Morocco’s unrelenting dry spell is ushering in record wheat imports and risking fruit and vegetable sales abroad: Mohamed Sadiri has farmed the same 3 hectares in western Morocco since 1963, and he’s never seen the land this parched. Wheat yields plummeted last year to 1 ton per hectare (2.5 […]

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Water For The Future: Tangiers Takes Steps To Secure Its Blue Gold

Via Zawya, a look at Tangiers’ effforts to secure its water: The white city of Tangiers wakes gently at daybreak. Schoolchildren mill up and down the main streets of the old town, the medina, crossing paths with the crowd heading to offices and a few morning tourists. Overlooking the Strait of Gibraltar at the northern tip […]

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Morocco’s Drought

Via BBC News, a report on Morocco’s drought: Morocco’s second-largest reservoir that serves some of its major cities and has been central to farm irrigation is drying up, according to satellite images analysed by the BBC. Al Massira Dam, which sits around halfway between Casablanca and Marrakesh, contains just 3% of the average amount of […]

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Morocco Faces Sixth Consecutive Year of Drought

Via Terra Daily, a report on Morocco’s ongoing drought: Morocco is heading towards its sixth consecutive year of drought as rising temperatures lead to decline in rainfall, the North African country’s water minister said on Thursday. “We have entered a critical phase after five years in a row of drought, which our country has never […]

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Moroccan Farms and Aquifer Saved By Water Metering

Via Green Prophet, a report on how water metering is saving Moroccan farms and aquifers by stopping water theft: The Berrechid plain has historically been known as Morocco’s granary for its vast production of cereals and fodder and more recently, it has been an important legume production hub. But farming in Morocco has become difficult over […]

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Persistent Drought Strains Morocco’s Economic Prospects

Courtesy of The Financial Times, a report on the impact of drought on Morocco’s economy: On his land in a mountainous area in the region of Chefchaouen, in northern Morocco, Khaled Kouskou, a business consultant turned farmer, complains that his efforts to cultivate 10 hectares owned by his family are being thwarted by poor rains. […]

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