Archive for May, 2021

Brazil On Drought Alert: Facing Worst Dry Spell In 91 Years

Via The Frontier Post, a report on Brazil’s drought: Brazil’s government agencies warned of droughts this week as the country faces its worst dry spell in 91 years, increasing fears of energy rationing, hitting hydroelectric power generation and agriculture while raising the risk of Amazon fires. Late on Thursday, the Electricity Sector Monitoring Committee (CMSE), […]

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The Central California Town That Keeps Sinking

Via The New York Times, an article on Corcoran, California which has been slowly but steadily collapsing, a situation caused primarily not by nature but agricultural use of groundwater: In California’s San Joaquin Valley, the farming town of Corcoran has a multimillion-dollar problem. It is almost impossible to see, yet so vast it takes NASA scientists […]

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Ethiopia’s Reported Filling of Nile Dam Heats Up Tensions With Egypt, Sudan

Via Al Monitor, a report on Ethiopia’s reported filling of Nile dam which is heatiing up tensions with Egypt, Sudan: Egypt and Sudan held joint military drills in Sudan this week amid reports that Ethiopia had begun a second filling of its controversial Nile dam. Egyptian ground, naval and air forces, including special forces and paratroopers, […]

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First-Ever Colorado River Water Shortage Is Now Almost Certain

Via CNN, an article on new projections that show a Colorado River water shortage is now almost certain: Thousands of people will celebrate Memorial Day this weekend on the water of Lake Mead, just 24 miles east of Las Vegas on the border of Arizona and Nevada. What they may not realize is that the oasis […]

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The Agony of Mexico’s Last Glaciers

Via Emerging World and El Pais, commentary on plight of Mexico’s remaining glaciers: “Only five glaciers remain in the country, spread over two mountains: Iztaccíhuatl and Pico de Orizaba. In total they occupy less than a square kilometer of ice. Experts say that in 2050 there will be none left. Global warming is to blame for […]

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Can Egypt Avoid Being Harmed By Second Filling of Nile Dam?

Via Al Monitor, a report on how Egypt’s foreign minister says Cairo can compensate for the second filling of Ethiopia’s controversial dam on the Blue Nile as a result of the projects the Egyptian government is implementing to confront water scarcity: Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry recently spoke about the government’s ability to overcome the second filling of the Grand […]

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