Archive for March, 2011

Water Tension In Iraq

Via TerraDaily, a report on Kurdistan’s dam building initiatives that are causing tensions in the area.  As the article notes: “…Authorities in Iraq’s autonomous Kurdistan area are building 11 dams and plan dozens more, the region’s agriculture minister said Thursday, a move that could raise tensions over water. “There are 11 dams now under construction,” […]

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The Parched Tiger: India and Pakistan Race To Secure Priority Water Rights On The Indus

Via China Dialogue, an interesting look at the emerging battle between India and Pakistan over dam projects in a race to secure priority water rights on the Indus River.  As the report notes: “India and Pakistan are once again at loggerheads over the issue of water-sharing. Pakistan is raising strong objections to India’s construction of […]

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Thirsty Dragon: New Dams in Southwest China Produces Power and Public Ire

Courtesy of Circle of Blue, a detailed look at the political, civil, and environmental impact of a surge of new dams in southwest China: Jiangbian, China – November 30, 2010: A dam under construction begins to redirect the flow of the Jiulong River into underground tunnels for power generation. Even in China, where power plants, […]

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Hydro-Diplomacy To Ease Water Pressure In Middle East

Via Reuters, an article on the need for diplomacy to defuse water tension in the Middle East: “The United Nations should promote “hydro-diplomacy” to defuse any tensions over water in regions like the Middle East and North Africa where scarce supplies have the potential to spark future conflicts, experts said Sunday. They said the U.N. […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: Water A Winner In 12th 5-Year Plan?

Courtesy of Circle of Blue, a detailed look at China’s new five-year plan which calls for reducing water use by 30 percent for every new dollar of industrial output, which is the same water target as was in the 11th Five-Year Plan: “…In an era of economic turmoil that has produced massive unemployment, accelerated industrial […]

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Southern Africa: A River Runs Through It

Via, a report on efforts of Angola, Namibia, and Botswana to work together to develop a framework for sharing the Okavango River: “Postwar Angola is keen to expand irrigation for much-needed development, Namibia is prioritising clean drinking water and sanitation, while Botswana wants to preserve the integrity of the world-renowned Okavango Delta for tourism. […]

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