Archive for October, 2019

Laos Hydro Project Switched On Along Dried-Out Mekong

Via Terra Daily, a report on a new hydropower project that was officially switched on in Laos: A multi-billion dollar hydro-electric power plant on the Mekong river in Laos was officially switched on Tuesday, as drone images of dried-up downstream areas stirred fresh outcry on one of the world’s great rivers. The Thai-owned Xayaburi dam […]

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Water Crisis: Pushing Iran To The Brink

Via The Iran Project, a report on Iran’s water scarcity crisis: One key point on which there is a global consensus is that come what may demand for water MUST be lowered and efficient use be made of water technology As access to water becomes a herculean task in countries big and small, an increasing […]

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Egypt, Ethiopia Discuss Controversial Nile Dam

Via Terra Daily, a report on recent meetings between Egypt and Ethiopia over the Grand Renaissance Dam: Ethiopia and Egypt’s leaders met on the sidelines of Russia’s Africa summit on Thursday to discuss a contentious dam project on the River Nile, a diplomat said. Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi “delivered a message” to Ethiopian Prime […]

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The Parched Tiger: India’s Groundwater Problem

Via IDR Online, a look at India’s growing groundwater crisis: A majority of India’s water problems are those relating to groundwater—water that is found beneath the earth’s surface. This is because we are the largest user of groundwater in the world, and therefore highly dependent on it. At just over 260 cubic km per year, our […]

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Lake Baikal Crisis: Chinese Activity a Handy Scapegoat for Russian Government Inaction

Via Future Directions International, a look at Russia and China’s collective impact on Lake Baikal: Lake Baikal is the oldest, deepest and the largest freshwater lake in the world by volume. Located in south-eastern Siberia, the lake is 25 million years old, 1,642 metres deep and contains 23,615 cubic kilometres of water (one-fifth of the world’s unfrozen fresh […]

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Blue Peace Index

Via China Water Risk, a look at The Economist Intelligence Unit’s new Blue Peace Index (BPI) and how it promotes transboundary water cooperation: Freshwater resources are dwindling fast ; by 2050, >50% of the world’s population will live in water scarce regions, plus 45% GDP, 52% population & 40% of grain production of the world […]

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