Archive for the ‘Ganges River’ Category

What Will It Take For Bangladesh and India To Sign Transboundary River Agreements

Via Global Dialogue, a look at the need for Bangladesh and India to talk about sharing water on two major rivers, the Teesta and Ganges. But experts on both sides say much depends on political consensus and the right atmosphere for negotiations Bangladesh’s ruling party, the Awami League, started its fourth consecutive term in government this year […]

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Melting Himalayan Glaciers Could Leave 2B People Facing Water Scarcity

Via The National News, an article on a recent study that found that Himalayan glaciers in the region disappeared 65 per cent faster in the decade from 2011 to 2020: Himalayan glaciers providing critical water to nearly two billion people are melting faster than ever before due to climate change, exposing communities to unpredictable and […]

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Are ‘Water Wars’ Coming to Asia?

Via The Diplomat, a look at how climate change-induced water loss in the Tibetan Plateau further challenges water security from Central to Southeast Asia: A recently published study by a team of scientists from the University of Texas in Austin, Penn State, and Tsinghua University in Nature climate change journal found that terrestrial water storage (TWS) in the Qinghai-Tibet […]

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The Parched Tiger: What Now For The Ganges Treaty?

Via Third Pole, an interview on the Ganges Water Sharing Treaty, signed by India and Bangladesh in 1996, which is due to expire in 2026: The Ganges Water Sharing Treaty was signed by India and Bangladesh in 1996. The 30-year treaty was the culmination of decades of negotiation, and specifies the minimum level of water flow to […]

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Asian Water Towers On Tighter Budget: More Runoff Won’t Quench Indus or Ganges Thirst

Via Eureka Alert, notice of a new study on the Asian Water Towers: The Third Pole centered on the Tibetan Plateau is home to headwaters of over 10 major Asian rivers. These glacier-based water systems, also known as the Asian Water Towers, will have to struggle to quench the thirst of downstream communities despite more […]

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Are The Glaciers That Feed Asia’s Great Rivers Disappearing?

Via Outpost Magazine, a look at some of the glaciers feeding the Ganges river: Berinder and Karin are hidden under their loads with only their legs peeking out, pulling them relentlessly onward and upward. Our scattered porter team is a ragged line, coloured bulbs weaving in and out of rocks and ice, disappearing and then […]

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