Archive for April, 2021

Jordanians Warned To Expect Summer Water Shortages

Via Al Monitor, a report on Jordan – already one of the world’s most water-stressed countries – which can expect even worse water shortages this summer: Jordanians are being warned by the government to expect a “critical summer” for water due to a poor rainy season that reached little more than half the average annual precipitation, according […]

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Asia’s Grim Water Future

Via Unravel, a report on Asia’s failed resilience and grim water future: COVID-19 has made billions of people aware of the importance of having access to clean water. Asia, home to over 4.6 billion people, hosts three of the five largest economies of the world: China, Japan and India. Together with the US and Germany, they account for nearly […]

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Drought-Hit California Orders Nestlé to Stop Pumping Millions of Gallons of Water

Via The Guardian, a report on California’s efforts to stop Nestlé from siphoning millions of gallons of water out of California’s San Bernardino forest California water officials have moved to stop Nestlé from siphoning millions of gallons of water out of California’s San Bernardino forest, which it bottles and sells as Arrowhead brand water, as drought […]

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Egypt Explores Water Alternatives With Nile Dam Set To Fill

Via Al Monitor, an article on Egypt’s efforts to work on water projects with South Sudan in a bid to make up for water lost from the Nile as Ethiopia fills its Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam: Many observers believe that Egypt is left with two choices regarding the negotiations on filling and operating the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD): a military confrontation […]

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Is Ethiopia’s Latest Nile Dam Proposal Merely A Play For Time?

Via Al Monitor, a look at the latest Ethiopian proposal on the Nile dam which some feel may merely be a play for time while the second filling of the dam proceeds: Ethiopia has proposed holding a meeting of the African Union Assembly in a bid to end the deadlock over the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam […]

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Groundwater Wells Worldwide Run Risk Of Running Dry

Via American Association for Advancement of Science, new research on the risk facing groundwater wells globally: As many as 20% of groundwater wells worldwide are at risk of running dry if groundwater reserves continue to decline according to a new study, which evaluated data from nearly 39 million wells from across the globe. The findings […]

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