Archive for February, 2011

Burundi Signs New Nile River Agreement

Via The International Water Law Project, a report on Burundi’s decision to become the sixth signatory to the Nile River Basin Cooperative Framework: “… In the wake of the turmoil in Egypt (and probably the secession of South Sudan), Burundi has taken the rather bold step of becoming the sixth signatory to the Agreement on […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: China’s Drought Nears Worst In 200 years

Via Climate Progress, a further look at the crippling drought in China and its likely impact on world food prices: “…The soil lies cracked and broken in China’s Shangdong Province, thirsting for rains that will not come. China’s key wheat producing region, lying just south of Beijing, has received just 12 millimeters (1/2 inch) of […]

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Avoiding Water Wars: Water Scarcity and Strategic Power of Water In Central Asia

The United States should play a key role in holding off looming water conflicts in Central Asia, according to a new report by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. While the U.S. stakes are highest in Afghanistan and Pakistan, neighboring countries like Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan will also become increasingly important, as water demand […]

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Global Water Stress: Huge Areas of Australia, India, China and USA at Extreme Risk

Courtesy of, a look at water stress worldwide: “…Huge areas of land mass within Australia, India, China and USA are highlighted as suffering extreme pressure on their renewable water supplies by a new index and map that evaluate water stress down to 50km² worldwide. The Water Stress Index is developed by global risks advisory […]

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Middle East / North Africa: Water. Instability.

Via The Guardian, a report on how the water usage in north Africa and the Middle East is unsustainable and shortages are likely to lead to further instability.  As the article notes: “…Poverty, repression, decades of injustice and mass unemployment have all been cited as causes of the political convulsions in the Middle East and […]

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A Roadmap To Blue (H2O) Peace In The Middle East

Via Green Prophet, an article on the potential for a “blue peace” in the Middle East: “…With input from over 100 Middle Eastern leaders, the Swiss government has produced a positive tool that could transform regional water policies. There are no foregone conclusions. How the next few decades proceed depends on us, on actions that […]

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