Archive for May, 2009

Diminishing Water Resources Threaten Peace In Africa

Via The Washington Times, a look at how diminishing water resources threaten peace, particularly in Africa.  As the report notes: “…A dispute over a one-acre island in Lake Victoria that has fueled talk of war between Kenya and Uganda is but one instance of increasing conflict over shrinking water resources throughout Africa. Such conflicts pit […]

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Bangladesh & India: Concerns Over Tipaimukh Dam Project

Via Global Voices, a report on the Tipaimukh Hydroelectric Project being constructed near the confluence of Barak and Tuivai rivers, in Manipur, India and within 100km of Bangladesh border. As the article notes, from the start this project faced protests from potentially affected people in India, and from the downstream neighbor Bangladesh: “…It is being […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: Demand Reduction Efforts In China

Two articles examining China’s impending freshwater scarcity crisis and the impact of some nascent demand reduction efforts.  First, courtesy of The Guardian, is a look at the current status of the South-North Diversion Project: …More than twice as expensive as the Three Gorges Dam and three times longer than the railway to Tibet, the 50-year, […]

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Water Wars: Myth or Reality?

Via, another look at water wars by Peter Gleick of The Pacific Institute.  As the article notes, while he does note agree with the term ‘water wars’, he certainly can identify strong and clear connections between water and conflict: “…There has been a lot of discussion about “water wars,” a term that sounds great, […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: The Impact of China’s Dam Building Activities on Regional Watersheds

Two recent articles reporting on China’s dam building spree on the upper Mekong and how it may impact downstream states.  First, via Yahoo, news that the UN sees China’s dam building activities as the: “… the greatest threat to the future of the already beleaguered Mekong, one of the world’s major rivers and a key […]

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Rising Tide Of Tension Between Turkey & Iraq

Via Seed Daily, a report on increasing water tensions between Turkey and Iraq.  As the article notes: “…Iraq faces an agricultural “disaster” this summer if Turkey continues to retain waters from the Tigris and Euphrates rivers which have sustained Iraqi agriculture for millennia, experts say.The controversy over the sharing of the mighty rivers at the […]

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