Archive for January, 2021

Egypt’s Farmers On Front Line In Battle Against Water Scarcity

Via The Financial Times, an article on how Egypt’s farmers are on front line in battle against water scarcity: Ali Mahmoud pointed with pride to the lines of black pipe laid over the dark earth of his field in the Belbeis region of Egypt’s Nile Delta. He was preparing to plant it with strawberries and is […]

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New Parties Emerge To Try To Break Deadlock In Nile Dam Negotiations

Via Al Monitor, an article on the new countries which are seeking a mediation role in the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam crisis as negotiations sponsored by the African Union between Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia stumble: Several countries are seeking a mediation role in the faltering negotiations over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. The Democratic Republic […]

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The Thirsty Dragon and Parched Tiger: China Risks A Himalayan Water War With India

Via Asia Times, a look at how China’s plan to dam the Yarlung Zangbao, the world’s highest river, threatens to spark conflict with downstream India: China-India tensions in the Himalayas is shifting from confrontation and saber-rattling over contested border territory to a potentially more destabilizing conflict over water flows from the world’s highest mountain range. The […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: China’s Water Challenges in 2021

Courtesy of Circle of Blue, an interesting interview on China’s water challenges in 2021: What are the trends, hurdles, and big ideas for water in China in 2021? Domestically, the country’s leaders will respond to record-breaking floods in the southern provinces, advocate for water-absorbing “green” infrastructure, and contend with polluted water. In foreign affairs, tensions […]

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As The Ural River Disappears, A Crisis Looms For Eurasia

Via Third Pole, an article on how – despite some conservation efforts and regional cooperation – the Ural river is rapidly shrinking, threatening the water security of Kazakhstan and the wider region: The Ural river, which originates in Russia’s Ural Mountains and flows through modern-day Russia and Kazakhstan into the Caspian Sea, has been a […]

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Water Levels In Himalayan River Basins Drop As World Warms

Via Third Pole, a report on the impact of our warming world on Himalayan river basins: As the world warms, less water is replenishing major river basins, a new study has found. This could impact water availability, with big implications for future water security. The river basins of the Himalayas are among those experiencing the largest changes, […]

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