Archive for the ‘Mongolia’ Category

Mongolia’s Beijing-Financed Hydro-Electric Dams Threaten Lake Baikal, Russia Says

Via Window on Eurasia, a report on Russia’s displeasure with Mongolia’s Beijing-financed hydro-electric dams that they claim threaten Lake Baikal: Mongolia’s decision to build hydro-electric dams to solve its domestic electricity shortage, a decision that Beijing has backed by financing the project, threatens transborder rivers flowing from Mongolia into Russia and even the survival of […]

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Water Security Woes in Mongolia’s Capital 

Via The Diplomat, a look at how the pressures of rapid population growth, mismanagement, and climate change are jeopardizing Ulaanbaatar’s water supply: What would a world without clean freshwater water look like? In a context of enhanced climate change, rapid urbanization and increased water pollution, concerns around water security have come to the forefront of […]

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Finland and Norway Can Help Solve Mongolia’s Clean Water Issues

Via The Diplomat, a report on how two Scandinavian countries could help Mongolia address its chronic water security issues, but the impetus will need to come from Ulaanbaatar: In Mongolia, clean water is emerging as a vital sector that requires modernization. In the past decade, coupled with climate change and mass mining activities, Mongolia’s chronic […]

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Mongolia Plans River Diversion As Mining Boom Sucks Gobi Dry

Via Third Pole, an article on Mongolian’ plans to address its water scarcity challenge via river diversion: In school geography textbooks around the world, Mongolia’s Gobi desert is cited as the main example of a cold desert. It occupies almost the entire southern region of the country, covering approximately 350,000 square kilometres. What is less […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: China’s New Silk Road Causing Regional Water Stress

Via Third, a report on a recent decision by the Chinese to put temporary halt on a dam which could destroy the Siberian lake ecosystem, highlighting lack of environmental safeguards along the New Silk Road: Every Chinese person knows about one place in Siberia –  Lake Baikal. It is not necessarily famous for its […]

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Planned Mongolian Hydroelectric Plants Threaten Lake Baikal

Via the Siberian Times, a report on the potential threat to Lake Baikal posed by Mongolian hydro plants: Levels at Baikal are about 40cm lower than in 2013. Lake Baikal is facing another environmental threat, this time from across the border with plans in Mongolia for a series of new hydroelectric power plants. Campaigners including […]

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