Archive for February, 2017

U.S. West’s Challenge Is Still Water Scarcity, Wet Winter Or Not

Via the Christian Science Monitor, a detailed look at how – with climate change affecting water supplies already strained by urban growth – states in the Colorado River basin are being forced to innovate and adapt: The number of “For Sale” signs compete with “Open” in the storefronts along the main street in this hilly […]

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Pope’s Warning: We Are Heading For ‘Great World War Over Water’

Via TV-Novosti, an article on Pope Francis’ warning that water scarcity may cause conflict and could lead to a great world war over water: Pope Francis has warned that competition for scarce water resources could trigger the next World War. He said that water scarcity may cause conflict and the whole globe could be headed […]

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The Parched Tiger: Pakistan’s Water Crisis And The Indus Water Treaty

Via the Eurasia Review, an article on Pakistan’s water crisis and the Indus Water Treaty: It is well known that Pakistan is one of the most “water stressed” countries of the world. Currently its per capita annual water capability is 1017 cubic metres- that is perilously close to a threshold of 1000 cubic metres. Back […]

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High and Dry: La Paz’s Post Water World

Via Popular Science, a detailed look at La Paz’s water challenges: The early-morning sunshine, sharp and unfiltered in the high Andean altitude, flashes off the Water General’s sunglasses. He poses next to a 2,500-gallon tank that his troops placed behind this market of stalls in La Paz, Bolivia. The women who sell here—short, stout, and dressed […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: China’s Water Footprint

Via China Dialogue, a report on China’s water crisis: One crisp spring morning in Lijiang, Yunnan province, our family walk took us into a seemingly innocuous Chinese park. Pagodas and decorative rocks lined the manicured paths that led to the central point, Black Dragon Pool. But there was no water to be seen. Only barren […]

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Brazil’s Desperate Battle For Water

Via the Daily Mail, a look at Brazil’s desperate battle for water: Brazil’s arid northeast is weathering its worst drought on record and has been rationing water for two years The reservoir is down to 4 per cent of capacity and rainfall is expected to be sparse this year The government says the rerouting of […]

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