Archive for the ‘France’ Category

French Police Clash With Water Demonstrators

Via Seed Daily, a report on recent clashes between French police and water demonstrators: Protesters clashed with police in France’s western port of La Rochelle Saturday, as conservationists and small farmers mobilised against massive irrigation reservoirs under construction. Local government officials had banned demonstrations in the city, which is a popular tourist site in summer. […]

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Gripped by Drought, This Island Is Running Out of Drinking Water

Via CNN, a look at water shortages in Mamoudzou where – amid the worst drought on the island since 1997 – running water is only available one day out of three: When Racha Mousdikoudine opens her kitchen faucet, she never knows what will happen. “Maybe I won’t get any water at all,” she told CNN. […]

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France’s Water War Has No End in Sight

Via Foreign Policy, a report on how – as France’s water reserves run low – tensions are running high: As France grapples with soaring temperatures and ever more ruinous droughts, a full-blown water war is unfolding in the country, with heavy clashes, injuries, and arrests. Tensions are running high over the use of giant artificial […]

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French Government Unveils List of First 12 Industrial Sites in Water Reduction Plan

Courtesy of Rane’s Stratfor WorldView, a report on France’s first steps in its national water reduction strategy: What Happened: The French government unveiled the first 12 industrial sites involved in its plan to reduce water consumption in the country in an Aug. 21 press release. On the same day, the government declared a state of […]

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Volvic On Front Line of France’s New Water Fears

Via Terra Daily, an article on rising water tension in France: The public fountains in Volvic, the home of one of the world’s most famous mineral waters, have been turned off.Just down the road from the bottling factory at the foot of the old volcanic hills of central France, streams once powerful enough to drive […]

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Water Politics In Europe: A New Fault Line

Courtesy of The Guardian, commentary on the need – as drought becomes the norm – for creative European politics solutions to deal with a new, parched reality: In April, Spain’s prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, suggested that severe drought would become “one of the central political and territorial debates of our country in the coming years”. That […]

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