Archive for September, 2015

Changing Tides: The Mekong River Commission And Hydro-Diplomacy

Via International Rivers, a look at the Mekong River Commission: The Mekong River Commission (MRC), the only intergovernmental body mandated to sustainably manage and protect the Lower Mekong River, is on the brink of demise. While transboundary water governance has faced significant challenges in the region since the MRC was established in 1995, the Commission’s first real […]

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Investors Are Mining For Water: The Next Hot Commodity

Via The New York Times, an interesting article on investing in water: Drip-irrigated lemon orchards at the Cadiz water project in the Mojave Desert. CreditMonica Almeida/The New York Times Gazing out of a turboprop high above his company’s main asset — 34,000 acres in the Mojave Desert with billions of gallons of fresh water locked deep […]

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Botswana Capital’s Water-Supply Options Dry Up Amid Drought

Via Bloomberg, a report on the possibility that South Africa may cut off supplies to Gaborone (Botswana’s capital, which lies 15 kilometers (9.3 miles) from the border with South Africa) in October: The possible disconnection in October of water supplies to Gaborone from a South African dam is expected to deepen the crisis in Botswana’s capital, […]

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The Parched Tiger: Water Security In Urban India – Water Supply And Human Health

Via Future Directions International, a detailed look at the challenges to water security in urban India: Key Points Increasing urbanisation to 2030 will put further pressure on strained water infrastructure. Recognising that current practices are unsustainable, and implementing water conservation measures in urban areas, will take some of the pressure off declining groundwater supplies. Like their […]

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The Greatest Threat Facing Iran: Running Out Of Water

Via Tablet, an interesting article looking at how Israel came to Iran’s rescue decades ago—and might again be the Islamic republic’s best hope for avoiding catastrophe: If Iran is in the news because of its nuclear program, the greatest threat to the country’s well-being isn’t economic sanctions or the Sunni-Shiite schism. Rather, the greatest threat to Iran […]

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Laos Dam Project A Black Eye For Mekong Cooperation

Via the Khmer Times, a report on a potentially destructive Laotian dam project just 2 kilometers from the border with Cambodia: When the Lao national assembly last week approved a potentially destructive dam project just 2 kilometers from the border with Cambodia, the surprise announcement was yet another blow to the regional framework designed to protect […]

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