Archive for January, 2022

Polluted Rivers, Scarce Water, Sinking Capital: Dire Water Threats Facing Indonesia

Via Circle of Blue, a look at some of the dire water threats facing Indonesia which, per one report, could slice 7 percent from Indonesia’s GDP in 2045 – or boost it by 3 percent – depending on how they are handled: For decades, Indonesia’s largest city has been sinking into a water crisis. Jakarta’s descent […]

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Iran Water Protesters Attack Afghan Vehicles

Via Terra Daily, a report on Iran water protesters who recently attacked Afghan vehicles: Protesters in Iran’s southeast attacked trucks belonging to Afghan drivers during a demonstration on Friday over water rights for a river that flows from Afghanistan, Iranian state media said. Demonstrators from Sistan-Baluchestan province, which shares a frontier with Afghanistan, rallied at a […]

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In Sign Of Deepening Ties, Taliban Increases Afghanistan’s Water Flow To Iran

Via RadioLiberty, an article on Afghanistan’s recent release of water to Iran: Iran helped the United States topple the Taliban’s brutal regime in Afghanistan in 2001. But more than 20 years later, after U.S. forces withdrew from Afghanistan and the Taliban regained power, the once sworn enemies have become allies. Differences remain between Afghanistan’s Sunni […]

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Egypt Pushes To Revive Stalled Negotiations Over Nile Dam

Via Al Monitor, an article on how Egypt is calling for the swift resumption of negotiations over the controversial Ethiopian dam, as the new US envoy to the Horn of Africa lands in Cairo for the first time since his appointment: Egypt has recently called on Ethiopia to swiftly resume negotiations over the controversial Grand Ethiopian Renaissance […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: China Is Running Out of Water and That’s Scary for Asia

Via Bloomberg, an opinion piece looking at how – of all Bejing’s problems (demographic decline, a stifling political climate, the stalling or reversal of economic reforms) dwindling natural resources may be the most urgent: Nature and geopolitics can interact in nasty ways. The historian Geoffrey Parker has argued that changing weather patterns drove war, revolution and upheaval during a long […]

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The Parched Tiger: Inequality At The Heart of India’s Water Crisis

Via The Third Pole, an article on India’s water crisis: Watershed: How We Destroyed India’s Water and How We Can Save It is a powerful follow-up to Mridula Ramesh’s earlier work on climate change in India. In the introduction she quotes Paul Dickinson, co-founder of the Climate Disclosure Project, who is credited with saying, “If climate change […]

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