Archive for the ‘Zambia’ Category

How A Mega Dam Has Caused A Mega Power Crisis For Zambia

Via BBC, a report on how a mega dam has caused a mega power crisis for Zambia: Despite having the mighty Zambezi River and the massive hydro-powered Kariba Dam, Zambia is currently grappling with the worst electricity blackouts in living memory. The crisis is so severe that cities and towns across the country are sometimes […]

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Record Drought Imperils Food, Copper Output in Southern Africa

Via Bloomberg, a report on Zambia’s declaration of the current protracted dry spell as a national disaster: A swathe of southern Africa about the size of France suffered the driest February in decades, killing crops and precipitating a power shortage that threatens to hit copper mines in a key producing region. Last month, large parts […]

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Low Water Levels Have Created An Energy Crisis At The World’s Largest Dam

Courtesy of The Washington Post, a report on the impact that drought is having on Kariba Dam: The water level at the world’s largest man-made dam — which generates hydroelectric power for millions of people in Zambia and Zimbabwe — has dropped to a record low, forcing local energy companies to make drastic cuts. The […]

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