Archive for March, 2016

Asia’s Water Crisis: High Risk Of Severe Water Stress By 2050

Via MIT, another look at Asia’s water challenges: Economic and population growth on top of climate change could lead to serious water shortages across a broad swath of Asia by the year 2050, a newly published study by MIT scientists has found. The study deploys detailed modeling to produce what the researchers believe is a full […]

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The Parched Tiger: India Faces Its Worst Water Crisis Ever

Via the BBC, a detailed look at India’s water crisis: On 11 March, panic struck engineers at a giant power station on the banks of the Ganges river in West Bengal state. Readings showed that the water level in the canal connecting the river to the plant was going down rapidly. Water is used to […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: Xinjiang Bans Glacier Tourism

Via the Asia Society’s China File, a report on the recent decision by China’s Xinjiang government to ban glacier tourism: The Xinjiang government has banned tourists from glaciers under the 13th Five-Year Plan in order to try and save the far northwestern province’s fast-disappearing ice caps. Home to China’s largest glaciers, the Xinjiang province has seen its […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: China’s Release Of Mekong Waters Reflects An Environmental Crisis

Via Eurasia Review, a report on growing controversy over China’s release of Mekong River waters from its dams in March: Tributaries of the Mekong River. China would like to project the release of Mekong River waters from its dams in March to “assist” drought-stricken farmers and fisheries further downstream, especially in Vietnam, as a magnanimous gesture […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: China Plans More Dams In Tibet

Via Third Pole, a look at China’s new Five Year Plan which calls for a fresh wave of hydropower and major infrastructure projects on a Tibetan plateau already hit by desertification and climate change: China’s just-released 13th Five Year Plan — which sets out the country’s economic and social blueprint — promises to be the greenest […]

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Water: A Wellspring Of Conflict?

Via Strife, commentary exploring the role of water in human conflict and politics: Water wars; they seem inevitable in an age of non-traditional security threats and problems such as climate change requiring collective action. But water is rarely a single cause of conflict. Certainly, water can be a stress multiplier in a conflict, but violent […]

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