Archive for February, 2010

Burdened by Soviet Legacy, Nations Spar Over Water Rights

Courtesy of Science, an interesting look at the continued water tensions in Central Asia’s Pamir Mountains, long known as ‘The Roof of the World’.  As the article notes: “…As scientists worry about the prospect of a catastrophic flood from Lake Sarez in the Pamir Mountains which would unleash a wall of water from the 56-kilometer […]

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Climate Change, Water Conflict and Human Security

Via Greenbang, some information on the “Climate Change, Water Conflict and Human Security” project, also known as CLICO, which kicked off this week with a series of conferences in Bellaterra, Spain. The €3.8 million, three-year effort brings together researchers from 14 institutes to study what effects climate and water issues might have on social tension […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: Hydropower Projects On Tibet’s Main Rivers

Courtesy of The Tibetan Plateau, an updated report on hydropower projects on three of the major rivers that flow from Tibet: the Yangtze, the Salween and the Mekong.  As the article notes: “…Tibetans proudly sing of their land as “the Land of Snows, the source of great rivers.” Indeed, Tibet is widely regarded as “Asia’s […]

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Bangladesh: Water, Security, and Migration Concerns

Via Strategic Forecast, a detailed look at Bangladesh’s water, migration, and security concerns.  As the article notes: “…Bangladesh shares around 4,095km of its border with India. Over the years cross border migration from Bangladesh to India has taken place owing to a combination of economic and political factors. Currently, an estimated 20 million Bangladeshis illegally […]

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Tajikistan’s Shortages May Exacerbate Central Asian Water Tensions

Courtesy of The Guardian, details of a recent Oxfam report on Tajikistan’s looming water shortages due to rising temperatures and retreating glaciers which could spark conflict between water-stressed countries in the region.  As the article notes: “…It has been occupied by the Russians, the Mongols, the Turks, the Arabs and the Uzbeks, the Chinese, as […]

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Hydrologic Security and Syria’s Liquid Worries

Courtesy of Circle of Blue, a report detailing how much of Syria’s economics, history, politics, diplomacy, and culture have often been defined in a large part by water. As the article notes, water is a key to peace and prosperity in the region and it may also be key to war and conflict among Syria […]

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