Archive for October, 2010

Russia: “We must not buy Perrier…we must sell our water abroad.”

Via Window on Eurasia, an interesting report that Russia is considering selling some of its water abroad.  As the article notes: “…Moscow is making plans to exploit its position as a “fresh water superpower” and sell some of its holdings of this increasingly precious commodity to water-short neighbors and other countries further afield, according to […]

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When The Water Ends: Africa’s Climate Conflicts

Courtesy of Yale’s e360 blog, a  report and video on how water scarcity and drought has led to increasing conflict between tribal groups in Ethiopia and Kenya as pastoral communities kill each other over water and grass.  As the article notes: “…For thousands of years, nomadic herdsmen have roamed the harsh, semi-arid lowlands that stretch […]

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Lake Balkhash: Becoming A Second Aral Sea?

Courtesy of Window on Eurasia, an interesting report on the possibility that – as a Russian commentator recently stated – Lake Balkhash, the 12th largest lake in the world, is on the way to becoming “a second Aral Sea,” but one with potentially even more serious political consequences because both the causes of the lake’s […]

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Geopolitics of Aquifer Management

Courtesy of The Economist, a look at how new agreements may offer hope to better aquifer management among nation states.  As the article notes: “…CLEMENT weather and plentiful water mean that Punjab produces an eighth of India’s total food grains. But the water table has dropped by ten metres since 1973 and the rate of […]

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The New Oil: A Race To Buy The World’s Water?

Via Newsweek, a report on the race to “buy up the world’s water”.  While the author may not agree fully with all their points, the article does bring home the issue of privatization and the likelihood that private ventures/initiatives will likely give rise to increased water tensions & politics in the years ahead.  As the […]

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Egypt Boosts Investment & Cooperation In Ethiopia To Help Release Water Tension

Courtesy of Circle of Blue, a report that Egypt’s increased investments in Ethiopia may help defuse rising tensions over Nile water allocations.  As the article notes: “…Egypt’s increased investments in Ethiopia this year will help boost cooperation between the two Nile Basin states, Egyptian Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources Mohamed Nasreddin Allam said, the […]

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