Archive for January, 2010

The Thirsty Dragon: An “Icy Water Tower” Melts

While the source of this article (Conde Nast Traveler) is unusual for content that this blog normally features, the author – Dr. Orville Schell – is a long time China expert who has been increasingly focused on the gradual shrinking of the glacial, soaring, peaks of the Tibetan Plateau which act as the icy water […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: China’s Water Industrial Complex

Courtesy of Tibetan Plateau, an interesting look at China’s “water industrial complex”, a term they use to describe the professional and ideological alliance of technocratic Communist Party elites with water-related bureaucracies and businesses that influence government policy. The article concludes that the Peoples Republic of China – which has built 22,000+ large dams since it […]

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India Spars with Pakistan, China over Water

Via The Asia Sentinel, an interesting article on conflicts – present and future – over water in the Indus River basin.  As the report notes: “…A water war looms in the Indus River basin Kashmir has for decades been a bone of contention between India and Pakistan over which the two countries have fought wars. […]

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Are Gulf Nations Burying Their Heads In The Sand Over Water?

Via The Financial Times, an interesting look at how energy and water-intensive lifestyles have pushed the Gulf states into a freshwater crisis.  As the article notes: “…Standing in one of the many farms that line Bahrain’s northern coast, it is easy to forget that this is technically a desert island. Between the ranks of date […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: Yunnan Province’s Role On The Frontlines of China’s Water Crisis Is Karst In Stone

Courtesy of The Circle of Blue, a detailed examination of Yunnan Province, the front lines of China’s fresh water crisis.  As the article notes: “…In the southwest corner of China, a land of towering mountains and deep gorges not far from the border of Vietnam, is Shi Dong, the Rock Cave. It is here, 800 […]

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Arguing Over The Ganges

Via Bangladesh’s New Nation, an article on the sharing of rivers between India and Bangladesh.  As the report notes: “…Bangladesh was deprived of about 21 thousand cusecs of water during the 1-10 January period this year. Under the provisions of the 1996 Ganges Water Sharing Treaty, Bangladesh was supposed to get some 68 thousand cusecs […]

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