Archive for 2007

Water in the West: An ‘Agreement to Share Adversity’

As reported in the Los Angeles Times, the federal government – faced with the eighth year of the worst drought in the century-long historic record of the Colorado River – recently adopted new guidelines on managing the Western United States’ most important water source to help avoid disputes between the seven basin states of Wyoming, […]

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Go West (for water), young man…

As The Economist recently noted, America’s West – gripped by drought – is rethinking how it uses water. As the article notes, seven states, as well as northern Mexico, rely on the Colorado River and are quickly coming to the realization that things have changed: “This is not a normal drought,” says Pat Mulroy of […]

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Like Oil & Water: The Middle East and Sustainable Water Solutions

As reported by TreeHugger, the Arab League tossed cold water on a UN proposal to set up a Middle East environmental training center focused on sustainable water solutions during a meeting in Cairo in which the 22 members of the Arab League discussed the effects of climate change on the Middle East.  As the report […]

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A Mother’s Milk (River): Down to A Trickle but Still Causing Waves

Along the normally placid U.S./Canadian border, American officials are causing waves by contending that the U.S. is not getting its adequate share from the Milk and St. Mary’s Rivers which flow into the Canadian province of Alberta. As the Calgary Herald noted recently, this argument is not just about competing claims between Montana and Alberta, […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: Pitting Farmers vs. City Dwellers and Planning an Olympic Shower

Via JapanFocus, a provocative and insightful piece by Dai Qing (a writer and an activist who has long fought the Three Gorge dam project), regarding China’s impending water crisis and – more importantly – the class divisions it will foment as wealthy urban dwellers demand more water from poor rural Chinese. This powerful review corresponded […]

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Tajikistan: Asia’s Reservoir of Last Resort?

In view of the current Water Summit and its focus on the fact that many Asia-Pacific countries lack adequate clean water, NewEurasia offered an interesting look at Tajikistan – a nation often considered as a strategically important country which has huge resources of water. The article notes: “…A lot of people in Tajikistan believe that […]

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