Archive for the ‘Italy’ Category

Sicily’s Drought Dries Up Summer Tourism

Via Fortune a report on Sicily’s summer drought which is so acute this year that it’s drying up lakes and forcing cities to turn away tourists because they don’t have enough water: The Italian island of Sicily might have abundant history, but the same can’t be said about its water supply. Located on Sicily’s southwest […]

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Record Drought Hits the Mediterranean Region  

Via Smart Water Magazine, an article on the record drought hitting the Mediterranean region: Severe and prolonged drought events have affected Europe for more than two years and northern Africa for six years, causing water shortages and hampering vegetation growth. The Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) published its report Drought in the Mediterranean – January 2024 on the […]

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Extreme Drought in Northern Italy Mirrors Climate in Ethiopia

Via The Guardian, a look at new research that shows global heating creating a ‘whiplash effect’ of erratic extremes – often in poorest countries: Extreme drought in northern Italy has doubled over the past two decades, creating a climate that increasingly mirrors that of Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa, research shows. Analysis of satellite imagery and […]

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Italy’s Parched Po Valley: The Vanishing Breadbasket

Courtesy of The Dial, an article on Italy’s Po Valley, which is rapidly drying up and threatening the nation’s traditional breadbasket: In 2022, a number of sunken curiosities began to emerge from the Po River, which runs from the French-Italian Alps and carves eastward across northern Italy, through Turin, just south of Milan and Bergamo, […]

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Water Politics In Europe: A New Fault Line

Courtesy of The Guardian, commentary on the need – as drought becomes the norm – for creative European politics solutions to deal with a new, parched reality: In April, Spain’s prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, suggested that severe drought would become “one of the central political and territorial debates of our country in the coming years”. That […]

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Winter Drought Grips Southern Europe

Via The Economist, a report on the winter drought gripping southern Europe: The small town of Vallon-Pont-d’Arc in southern France sits on the winding Ardèche river, just before it enters a deep limestone gorge. Fringed by red-tiled two-storey new-build homes, it has a gently growing population, which is boosted in the summer months by an […]

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