Archive for October, 2015

A New Path To Peace: The Red Sea – Dead Sea Water Conveyance Project

Via the IWA’s compelling journal, The Source, an interesting look at how Jordan, Israel and Palestine’s Red Sea-Dead Sea water conveyance project–the first major peace process project since the 1994 Peace Accords – could become a model for further cooperation in the region: It doesn’t take a scientist to see that the Dead Sea is […]

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Healing Wounds Of Conflict Through Water Diplomacy

Courtesy of IWA’s The Source magazine, a very insightful article on an audacious roadmap for the Jordan River involving a new US$4.6 billion master plan to bring peace, understanding– and treatment plants–to the most contested and politicised waters on earth: In the 1840s, US naval officer William Lynch led three boats down the Jordan River […]

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Thirsty Dragon: China’s Bottled Water Industry To Exploit Asia’s Water Tower

Via Eco Business, a look at the Tibet government’s plans for a massive expansion of the bottled water industry by tapping the Himalayan glaciers: Tibet wants to bottle up much more of the region’s water resources, despite shrinking glaciers and the impact that exploitation of precious resources would have on neighbouring countries. This week the […]

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India-Pakistan Water Sharing: The Indus Treaty Revisited

Via Future Directions International, a look at Key Points The Indus Water Treaty has withstood periods of tension and conflict between India and Pakistan and has provided a pathway for the two neighbours to amicably resolve issues relating to transboundary water supply. Both countries clearly have faith in the treaty and believe they benefit from […]

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Wisconsin Groundwater Dispute: A Warning Signal For The Eastern United States

Via Circle of Blue, a report on how water problems in states east of the Mississippi River mirror those of the dry American West: When it pulled back from the North American mid-continent roughly 10,000 years ago, the Laurentide Ice Sheet left the state of Wisconsin a lovely basket of geological parting gifts: rich soils, […]

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The Helmand River And Afghan-Iranian Water Relations

Via the International Water Law Project blog, a look at Afghan-Iranian water relations: The Helmand River and its major tributary, the Arghandab, drain 43% of Afghanistan including most of the southern part of the country. It has an average discharge of approximately 140m3/s, but is highly variable both annually and seasonally as the waters are […]

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