Archive for February, 2016

The Indus Inland Waterways System: The Next Big Thing For Asia?

Courtesy of The Third Pole, an interesting report on the potential for a new Indus waterways transport system to revolutionise the economies of South Asia: There are few river systems in the world as long and as reliable as the Indus. The river and its tributaries connect most major cities of Pakistan with each other and […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: Water Use In China’s Power Sector 2030

Via China Water Risk, a new report examining the expected impact of China’s power sector on water & climate in 2030: China Water Risk (CWR) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) jointly release “Water Use in China’s Power Sector: Impact of Renewables and Cooling Technologies to 2030?. This brief examines the expected impact of China’s […]

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Mekong River: Damned If You Do

Via The Economist, some commentary on dam building on the Mekong River: THE greatest of all South-East Asia’s waterways and the world’s 12th-longest river, the Mekong, is a natural wonder that ties together the destinies of half a dozen countries. Born from snowmelt at over 17,000 feet (5,200 metres), it bolts off the Tibetan plateau […]

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Can Egypt And Ethiopia Share The Nile River?

Via The Japan Times, commentary on the Nile River: Oil is the Middle East’s glamor product, sought after by the entire world and bringing the region wealth beyond the dreams of avarice. But water is the mundane resource that matters even more to locals for, without it, they face the horrible choice of leaving their […]

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Tasmania: Betting On Water To Revive Its Fortunes

Courtesy of The Economist, a look at Tasmania’s new course around turning water into wealth: FOR 27 years Yvonne and Noel Gerke ran a transport business, hauling logs from Tasmania’s forests to mills grinding woodchips for customers in Japan and elsewhere in Asia. Then came the global financial downturn as well as campaigns to protect […]

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The Parched Tiger: India’s Looming Water Crisis

Via The Water Network, a look at how poor policies ?have left India in one of ?the worst ?positions in ?the world when ?it comes to ?water stress: For the ?preparation of ?the annual ?Global Risks ?Report 2016, ?the World ?Economic Forum ?asked 750 ?experts from ?all over the ?world what the ?likely global ?risks […]

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