Archive for January, 2016

Can Myanmar Avoid Conflict Pitfalls In Its Hydro Blitz?

Via the Wilson Center, a look at Myanmar’s forthcoming watergy dilemma – namely the choice between hydro power and water: Myanmar is undergoing multiple transitions, from military rule to democracy, decades of civil war to peace, and from a command economy to a market-based one. No less of an important challenge amidst this backdrop of […]

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Sharing The Nile

Via The Economist, a look at how tThe largest hydroelectric project in Africa has so far produced only discord: WHEN Egyptian politicians discussed sabotaging the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam in 2013, they naturally assumed it was a private meeting. But amid all the scheming, and with a big chuckle, Muhammad Morsi, then president, informed his […]

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Pakistan Drafts National Water Policy

Via Third, a report on Pakistan’s draft National Water Policy which looks to a future dominated by the impacts of climate change, advocates water pricing and highlights regional cooperation challenges: Grappling with increasing water scarcity and its far reaching implications on everyone, the Pakistan government has readied a comprehensive National Water Policy. The 20-page draft, […]

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Algeria’s Water Scarcity Challenge

Courtesy of STRATFOR (subscription required), detailed analysis of Algeria’s water scarcity challenge: Considering that the Sahara Desert covers most of Algeria, it comes as no surprise that the country is a water-scarce nation. Beyond the severity of its climate and geography, however, overexploitation is degrading Algeria’s naturally available water resources to an alarming extent. To […]

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Drought Pushes South Africa To Water, Energy, And Food Reckoning

Courtesy of Circle of Blue, a detailed look at South Africa’s crisis as cities run dry and harvests retreat in an already reeling nation: January 7, 2016 could hardly have been worse in this thunderously beautiful, water-parched, and economically reeling nation of 55 million residents at the bottom of Africa. The South African rand slid in […]

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Thailand: Scrambling To Drill Wells Amid Drought

Via Eco Business, a report on Thailand’s water crisis: Thai authorities are rushing to drill thousands of wells across the country to ensure enough water for drinking and washing, as farmers grapple with a drought and a months-long water shortage. Authorities examined the water supply and demand nationwide – taking into account needs for agriculture, […]

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