Archive for September, 2022

The Parched Tiger: How India Is Addressing Its Water Needs

Via Vardhman Envirotech, commentary on how India is addressing its water needs: Come summer, and water becomes a commodity as precious as gold in India. The country has 18 percent of the world’s population, but only 4 percent of its water resources, making it among the most water-stressed in the world. A large number of […]

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The Rio Grande/Río Bravo Basin: old disputes in a new century

Via the Global Water Forum, an article on the lingering disputes over the Rio Grande and Río Bravo basin: The Rio Grande River, known in Mexico as the Río Bravo, is one of the principal rivers in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Originating in Colorado in the U.S., the Rio Grande flows over 3,000 […]

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Governing Aquifers Across Borders Critical For Cooperation and Peace

Via SIWI, commentary on the importance of governing aquifers across borders for cooperation and peace: History contains many examples of conflicts involving the poisoning of wells to deny enemies access to potable water. Groundwater is at risk also in modern warfare; shared aquifers may be depleted by more technically advanced countries capable of drilling deep boreholes and installing powerful pumps that neighbouring states or communities do not have access to. Civil war situations can be aggravated […]

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Mississippi Water Crisis: Tip Of Global Disaster To Come

Via The Washington Post, commentary on the Mississippi water crisis and what it may portend for the future: Addressing the U.N. General Assembly last week, Secretary General António Guterres called the climate crisis “our suicidal war against nature.” That war’s devastation can be seen in Jackson, Miss., where four residents have filed a lawsuit against the city […]

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Forecasting A Hot, Dry MENA Future

Via Nature Middle East, an article on how an innovative monitoring technology is helping the world’s driest region predict and manage the impacts of drought: The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is the driest region in the world and home to 12 of the world’s most water-scarce countries, with water availability per person roughly […]

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Colorado River: “I Don’t See How This Ends Well”

Via John Fleck, commentary on the Colorado River crisis: I don’t see how this ends well. Most of the major players – the ones that matter, anyway, by which I mean Arizona, California, and the federal government – appear boxed in by constraints they can’t seem to overcome, while the water in the Colorado River’s […]

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