Water Politics in the Horn of Africa & The Rest of the Continent
Our recent post related to Lake Victoria encouraged us to look more closely at water politics in the Horn of [...]
Looming Water Supply Crises: Future Water Availability – Winners and Losers
As reported by Terra Daily, a prominent group of hydrologists and climatologists writing in Science magazine argue that climate change [...]
New Threat To Lake Victoria: Need for Improved Multiparty Lakeshore Management
As noted in Terra Daily, two hydroelectricity dams appear to be threatening the health of Lake Victoria – and of [...]
China and Russia Agree on The Use & Protection of Trans-Border Waterways
As reported by Xinhua News, China and Russia recently signed an agreement on the use and protection of the approximately [...]
U.N. Chief: “Water is Running Out”
As reported by CBS News, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged the world to put the looming crisis over water shortages [...]
A 21st Century “Chinatown” – Reid Holds a Royal Flush for Las Vegas Water Supplies
A fascinating article in the February issue of Portfolio magazine, detailing Harry Reid’s — the Democrats’ United States Senate leader [...]

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