A Royal Flush (2): Potential Alternatives to Addressing Nevada’s Water Issues
According to an article in the Salt Lake City Tribune, there are a number of potential alternatives to the water [...]
The Thirsty Dragon: Olympics Water Diversion Causing Olympian Problems
As recently reported by The Financial Times, the diversion of water to Beijing for the Olympics and for big hydropower [...]
Southeastern U.S. Water Wars
As reported in a number of publications, including The New York Times, the water “war” between Tennessee and Georgia has [...]
A Myriad of Small Leaks May Lead to a Deluge of Water Wars in The Middle East
An interesting article in today’s Arabian Business online edition which emphasized that the Middle East is facing the threat of [...]
Lake Mead May Go Dry By 2021: “We are beyond the sustainable limit of the Colorado system”
According to a recent study as reported by CNET News, there is a 50 percent chance that Lake Mead – [...]
Georgia Comes Up Dry: Water Rights (and Wars) in the Southeast U.S.
As recently reported in The Wall Street Journal, there’s a new chapter in the southeast U.S. water wars and it [...]

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