Water in the West: An ‘Agreement to Share Adversity’
As reported in the Los Angeles Times, the federal government – faced with the eighth year of the worst drought [...]
Go West (for water), young man…
As The Economist recently noted, America’s West – gripped by drought – is rethinking how it uses water. As the [...]
Like Oil & Water: The Middle East and Sustainable Water Solutions
As reported by TreeHugger, the Arab League tossed cold water on a UN proposal to set up a Middle East [...]
A Mother’s Milk (River): Down to A Trickle but Still Causing Waves
Along the normally placid U.S./Canadian border, American officials are causing waves by contending that the U.S. is not getting its [...]
The Thirsty Dragon: Pitting Farmers vs. City Dwellers and Planning an Olympic Shower
Via JapanFocus, a provocative and insightful piece by Dai Qing (a writer and an activist who has long fought the [...]
Tajikistan: Asia’s Reservoir of Last Resort?
In view of the current Water Summit and its focus on the fact that many Asia-Pacific countries lack adequate clean [...]

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