Mexico and Colorado River: Prospects For Cooperation Drying Up
Via The Los Angeles Times, an interesting look at the impact of the Colorado River’s increasingly meager flow into northern [...]
Another Middle East “Hot Spot:” Iraq in Water Talks with Turkey & Syria
As noted by Terra Daily, Iraq – in the grip of a severe drought and needs more water for agriculture [...]
Water: Conflict or Catalyst?
Offering a contrary viewpoint, Circle of Blue recently reported on some experts who believe water can help drive cooperation instead [...]
Court Water to Conquer War
As recently noted by Circle of Blue,  Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University, stated: “If you [...]
China, Tibet, and the strategic power of water
As reported by Circle of Blue, a number of experts say that control and management of an even more vital [...]
Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan: Water Problems = Cross-Border Issues
As reported by New,  problems with water are becoming more vivid in the cross-border relations of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. [...]

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