The Great Lakes Mirage…
As reported by The Buffalo News, pressure from parched areas who are beginning to eye the Great Lakes water supply [...]
Water Scarcity and the Global Food Crisis
As reported in an interesting new online magazine, Yale’s Environment 360, there is a firm connection between the world’s current [...]
Water: A Critical Element to Mideast Peace
As reported by National Geographic, many experts feel that an impending water crisis in the region may bring Israelis and [...]
The Thirsty Dragon: The Iron Dust Bowl & The Great Green Wall
Via Walrus Magazine, a starting look at the Chinese Dust Bowl, probably the largest conversion of productive land into sand [...]
Water: Oil of this Century (2)
Via The Christian Science Monitor, an interesting report on whether water – as Dow Chemical Chairman Andrew Liveris told the [...]
Southern Spain: Battles Over Water
As recently reported in The International Herald Tribune, southern Europe continues to face a worsening water situation.  As the article [...]

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