India & Pakistan: Impending Water Fights?
As recently reported by Reuters, there is increasing speculation that the current global crisis over food shortages and high oil [...]
Water: A Determining Factor in Future Regional Conflicts in South Asia
Via The Asia Sentinel, an insightful look at how the decades-old competition for water complicates the already-bitter relationship between India [...]
The Thirsty Dragon’s Big Drain
From Portfolio Magazine, another article detailing the growing threat that drought has upon China’s economic growth and rural populations.  As [...]
Access to Water: A Security Concern and Potential Trigger of Conflict
As reported by Terra Daily, Singapore’s  Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong stated that access to water is increasingly seen as [...]
The Queen of Sin City’s Royal Flush
Via The Las Vegas Sun, an interesting look at Pat Mulroy of the Southern Nevada Water Authority and the actions [...]
The Thirsty Dragon’s Thirsty Games
Via Forbes, another article detailing how residents of China’s barren northern villages, still gasping from the effects of a severe [...]

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