The Thirsty Dragon and Parched Tiger: ‘Dam for a Dam’ – China and India’s Dam War In Himalayas
Via The Week, a look at Delhi’s response to Beijing’s plans for a huge dam in Tibet? Build a huge [...]
Struggling Over Water, Losing It Through Evaporation: The Case of Afghanistan and Iran
The long-standing water conflict between Iran (downstream) and Afghanistan (upstream) led to the 1973 Helmand Water Treaty, ensuring Iran a [...]
Trump Says He’s Sending Water To LA. It’s Actually Going to Megafarms.
Via Grist, a report on how the president’s executive orders on California water will help irrigate Central Valley farms. They [...]
Water, Water Everywhere…?
Via The Land Desk, commentary on the recent USGS water assessment as well as data center water usage: In the [...]
The Thirsty Dragon: China’s Super-Dam A ‘Disaster Waiting To Happen’
Impassioned commentary from Brahma Chellaney on the China’s newly proposed super dam: By embarking on building a super-dam, the largest [...]
The Thirsty Dragon: China’s Large and Mysterious Dam Project Is Alarming Neighbors and Experts
Via the New York Times, a report on China’s planned hydropower dam, in quake-prone Tibet, which is set to be [...]

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