Archive for March, 2009

United Nations: Quest For Clean Water May Lead To War

Via The Detroit Free Press, an article discussing a recent United Nations report that suggests the growing shortage of clean water across the globe may lead to conflict and war, and endanger economic development.  As the report notes: “…Climate change, a growing population and an increased demand for water from agriculture and industry are combining […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: Hoping For The Best, Planning For The Thirst

Via Yale’s Environment 360, a report that China is planning to construct 59 reservoirs in the country’s far-western province of Xinjiang to trap runoff from rapidly melting glaciers in some of Asia’s highest mountains.  As the article notes: “…Chinese officials said their goal is to retain runoff that might otherwise trickle into the region’s high […]

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Lake Balkhash: A Future Aral Sea?

Via Registan, an interesting look at Lake Balkhash which – due to the international nature of the watershed, the development of oil in China and heavy industry on the its shores – may unfortunately be on track for a similar fate as The Aral Sea unless China, Kazakhstan and the other Central Asian nations work […]

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