Archive for the ‘France’ Category

French Government Slams ‘Eco-Terrorism’ As Water Protesters Dig In

Via Terra Daily, an article on the ongoing demonstrations in France over water: French protesters on Monday defied a massive police presence to try to stop an agriculture water storage project, as the government vowed to prevent any encampment while denouncing vandalism and “eco-terrorism”. Clashes with security forces marked the launch of the protest Saturday […]

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Thousands Protest French Agro-Industry Water ‘Grab’

Via Seed Daily, an article on clashes arising as thousands protest French agro-industry water ‘grab’: Thousands of demonstrators defied an official ban to march on Saturday against the deployment of new water storage infrastructure for agricultural irrigation in western France, some clashing with police. Clashes between paramilitary gendarmes and demonstrators erupted with Interior Minister Gerald […]

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Future of Europe – and World – Is In Drought

Via the New European, commentary on an Europe in which rivers and reservoirs are shrinking, and the land is parched: The ghost-grey hull of a second world war shipwreck that resurfaced from Italy’s shrinking River Po this summer was less a relic of a forgotten past and more a reminder of a grim future facing […]

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Europe Battles Water Shortages As Severe Drought Sweeps The Continent

Courtesy of The Financial Times, an article on the severe drought impacting Europe: In Obwalden, high in the Swiss Alps, the army has been drafted in to save the cows. With mountain streams in the Alpine country drying up, military helicopters were dispatched last week to transport huge containers of water up to the pastures […]

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Swiss Water Grab: Hinting At Water Wars To Come?

Via OregonLive, an interesting report on tensions between Switzerland and France over water: A quarrel has broken out between Switzerland and France after the Swiss army was caught stealing water from a French lake. While Switzerland’s aqua grab seems to have been an honest mistake during a military operation to quench the thirst of the […]

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