Pipe Dreams: Colorado’s Plans To Use More Water From The Colorado River
Via Aspen Journalism, a report on Colorado’s big dreams to use more water from the Colorado River. But will planned reservoirs [...]
‘The Water War’: How Drought Threatens Survival of Sicily’s Towns
Via The Guardian, a report on Sicily where – amidst the Italian island’s worst drought, towns such as Troina are [...]
‘Zero progress’: Western States at Impasse in Talks on Colorado River Water Shortages
What happens at the Colorado River conference in Las Vegas stays at the Colorado River conference in Las Vegas — [...]
Utah’s Idea To Swap Colorado River Water For Desalination Plant Money
Via Fox13, a report on a potential idea that would see Colorado River water swapped for desalination plant funding: An [...]
Water Negotiators Spar As Time Runs Out To Stabilize Colorado River
Via the Las Vegas Review Journal, a report on the negotiations aiming to stabilize the Colorado River: Two bitterly divided [...]
UN Warns Global Drought Costs $300B Annually
Via Terra Daily, a report on a recent UN warning that the global drought carries a $300 bn annual cost: [...]

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