Archive for July, 2023

Drought-Hit North Africa Turns to Purified Sea and Wastewater

Via Terra Daily, a look at how drought-hit North Africa has turned to purified sea and wastewater: From Tunisia to Morocco, sun-baked North Africa has embarked on a building spree of plants that purify sea and wastewater as climate change intensifies droughts in the water-scarce region.Across the Maghreb region, which takes in parts of the […]

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Vietnam’s Mekong Delta Is Sinking, But Innovations Offer Hope 

Courtesy of Nikkei Asia, a look at the threatened Mekong Delta: A ribbon of water runs alongside Ho Van Hong’s star-apple and durian trees, just wide enough for the farmer’s blue canoe to glide by. He scoops from the channel to water his orchard in the heart of the Mekong Delta. The grove has been […]

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Syrians Despair at Water Loss, River Pollution

Via Al-Monitor, a look at the impact that reduced flows and pollution have had upon Syria’s water-based industries: Around war-torn Syria’s biggest freshwater dam reservoir, fishermen say their catch is now a fraction of what it used to be as environmental pressures have decimated aquatic life. Ismail Hilal, 50, sat on the hull of his […]

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Colorado River Has Lost 10 Trillion Gallons of Water Since 2000

Courtesy of The Guardian, a look at how the Colorado River has lost 10tn gallons of water since 2000 due to the climate crisis, a volume of water lost equal to Lake Mead, US’s largest reservoir, or enough water to fill around 15bn Olympic-sized pools: The climate crisis has caused the ailing Colorado River basin, a system […]

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Cuba’s Water Crisis Boils Over Into The Street

Via Reuters, a look at Cuba’s water crisis where more than 100,000 Havana residents are without water as the heat of the Caribbean summer sets in, raising tensions on the streets of Cuba’s capital as the crisis-racked government scrambles to find a solution.

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Thirsty Data Centers Are Making Hot Summers Even Scarier

Via Bloomberg, an article on how – with drought spreading around the globe – battles over water are erupting between AI companies seeking more computing power and communities where their facilities are located: For more than a year, Spain has been struggling with drought that has sent water levels in dams below historical averages, prompting […]

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