Archive for June, 2021

In California Water May Be The Most Valuable Crop Of All

Courtesy of The New York Times, an article on how drought in California is upending the food supply and changing farmers’ decision about their business: In America’s fruit and nut basket, water is now the most precious crop of all. It explains why, amid a historic drought parching much of the American West, a grower […]

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Panama Canal Tackles Climate-Change Puzzle: Too Little Rainwater or Too Much

Courtesy of The Wall Street Journal, an article on the Panama Canal, where authorities plan to unveil a $2 billion plan to help with droughts and extreme storms: The Panama Canal faces a creeping threat from climate change, including droughts so intense that ships sometimes reduce their cargo so as not to run aground, and […]

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Arsenic and the Ganges Delta: Water Crisis in Bangladesh

Via Future Directions International, an article on Bangladesh which – in the face of a water crisis started by arsenic poisoning of groundwater and further compounded by climate change-induced salinity – must act swiftly to prevent a future surge of climate refugees: Bangladesh’s supply of potable water has been steadily eroded, as a combination of extreme […]

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Day Zero On The Colorado River

Via Sustainable Waters, an article on the increasing water stress on the Colorado River: The US Bureau of Reclamation, in its most recently published “24 Month Study,” projects that Lake Powell on the Colorado River will be three-quarters empty by New Years Day. There are three reasons that Lake Powell is drying up: (1) natural […]

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Decades-long ‘Megadroughts’ in U.S. Southwest and Central Plains More Likely Due to Climate Change

Via Circle of Blue, a report on how droughts that are extreme by today’s standards will be normal by the end of the century: If the world continues to add carbon to the atmosphere at current rates, ‘megadroughts’ lasting more than two decades will be commonplace by the end of the century in the driest […]

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How The Private Sector Is Shaping The Future of Lake Chad and The Congo Basin

Via The Conversation, commentary on the complexities of water sharing in Lake Chad: Lake Chad’s declining water level has been on the political agenda of the Sahel region since the 1960s. The water is shared by Niger, Nigeria, Chad and Cameroon though it also affects communities in the larger regional spread of the basin that includes Libya, Algeria, Sudan […]

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