Archive for June, 2020

Water Politics Heat Up Under Worsening Climate in Afghanistan

Via Thomson Reuters Foundation News, a very interesting article by Stephanie Glinski on how measures to help Afghanistan’s farmers access more water for irrigation could heighten tensions with the nation’s neighbours: In a good year, farmer and mother-of-four Zahra Tawakole can produce enough potatoes from her hectare of land in the small Afghan village of […]

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Water, Climate, Conflict & Migration: Coping with 1 Billion People on the Move by 2050

Via Inter Press Service, an article on the direct and indirect links between migration and the water crisis, which has different faces — unsafe water in many places, chronic flooding or drought in others: Do migrants willingly choose to flee their homes, or is migration the only option available? There is no clear, one-size-fits-all explanation […]

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Palestine Is Not Short On Water – Just The Right To Use It

Via The Middle East Water Forum, commentary by Shaddad Attili , Palestine’s former Minister for Water: Palestine is not short on water – just the right to use it Israel’s control over the natural resources of the territories it occupies – whether in the Syrian Golan or in Palestine – has been one of the most […]

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Eternal Dam-nation: How Ethiopia and Egypt Are Pushing Each Other To The Brink Over The Nile

Via Quartz, a report on how Ethiopia and Egypt are pushing each other to the brink in a battle for control on the river Nile: When Ethiopia, this week, criticized the Egyptian government for its “unprincipled” stand on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) it raised the stakes on one of the Africa’s most contentious diplomatic […]

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Tackling the Trickle: Ensuring Sustainable Water Management in the Arab Region

Via AGU Register, an interesting and detailed look at water scarcity in the Arab region: Abstract Water scarcity in the Arab region is intensifying due to population growth, economic development, and the impacts of climate change. It is manifested in groundwater depletion, freshwater ecosystem degradation, deteriorating water quality, low levels of water storage per capita, […]

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