Archive for June, 2020

The Thirsty Dragon vs. The Parched Tiger: A New Phase of Sino Water Wars?

Via Times Now News, a report that China may have blocked the Galwan River as part of its military tactics against India in the recent days:   China declined to answer queries on reports of building a dam on the Galwan river to block the river flow at the Sino-Indian border. This comes after satellite imagery revealed […]

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Ethiopia To Fill Disputed Dam, Deal Or No Deal

Via Associated Press, a report on latest developments related to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam: It’s a clash over water usage that Egypt calls an existential threat and Ethiopia calls a lifeline for millions out of poverty. Just weeks remain before the filling of Africa’s most powerful hydroelectric dam might begin, and tense talks between the […]

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The Thirsty Dragon and Parched Tiger: 4 Chinese Lessons For India’s Water Security

Via China Water Risk, an interesting report on four Chinese lessons for India’s water security: India faces serious water risks – 21 cities are expected to run out of water by the end of 2020 & 80% of groundwater has been withdrawn – yet, it still lacks efficient water management polices China having faced similar […]

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Droughts Exposed California’s Thirst For Groundwater

Via Science Magazine, a report on California’s thirst for groundwater: California’s Central Valley—one of the richest agricultural regions in the world—is sinking. During a recent intense drought, from 2012 to 2016, parts of the valley sank as much as 60 centimeters per year. “It isn’t like an earthquake; it doesn’t happen, boom,” says Claudia Faunt, […]

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Looming Water Crisis For 270 Million South Asians

Courtesy of National Geographic, a detailed report on how, while melting ice is crucial to the thirsty Indus River region, the flow is projected to decline, posing risks for agriculture and a growing population: From near Mount Kangrinboqe in Tibet rise four major rivers, which stretch east and west across the Himalaya and down to […]

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Egypt Accuses Ethiopia of Holding It “Hostage” in Nile Dam Talks

Via Terra Daily, an update on the dispute between Egypt and Ethiopia over the Grand Ethiopia Renaissance Dam: Egypt said Saturday that tripartite talks with Ethiopia and Sudan over a controversial mega-dam on the River Nile were deadlocked because of Addis Ababa’s “intransigence”. The Grand Ethiopia Renaissance Dam (GERD) has been a source of tension […]

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