Archive for September, 2015

California: Deserts Won’t Bloom Forever

Via PRI, a detailed look at the similarity of challenges facing California and Saudi Arabia: A decade ago, reports began emerging of a strange occurrence in the Saudi Arabian desert. Ancient desert springs were drying up. The springs fed the lush oases depicted in the Bible and Quran, and as the water disappeared, these verdant […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: China Water-nomics

Via China Water Risk, an interesting report on China Water-nomics and whether China’s water caps & efficiency targets will impact its economic growth: Highlights -Water use quotas & policies caps GDP growth at 5.7% p.a. between 2020-2030 towards South Korea by 2050 -Economic mix helps the G20 manage water & GDP; but so does trade & shifting […]

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Could A Bulk Water Export Industry Ever Get Underway In Canada?

Via the Calgary Herald, a look at the potential for a bulk water export industry in Canada: An Alaskan company boldly declared earlier this year that it was going to ship tens of millions of litres of pristine water to parched Southern California. It would have represented the first solid evidence that a bulk water industry […]

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FutureWatch: One In Four Major Cities Unable To Provide Clean Water To Residents

Via The Guardian, a look at major cities where – from Mumbai to São Paolo – safe water supplies are precarious: They are two of the biggest cities in the world and both are set to grow significantly over the next decade, yet Mumbai and São Paulo are still unable to supply the clean and […]

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Impact Of Central American Drought

Courtesy of STRATFOR (subscription required), analysis of the impact of Central America’s drought on the region and migration: Central America and the Caribbean are in the midst of a drought that is impacting Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Hispaniola and Cuba. Agricultural output has been hit hard, complicated by the fact that the region is […]

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