Archive for June, 2014

Detroit’s Water War

Via The Guardian, a report on a controversial plan by the City of Detroit plan to cut off water to approximately 300,000 residents as part of its economic shock therapy: It was six in the morning when city contractors showed up unannounced at Charity Hicks’ house. Since spring, up to 3000 Detroit households per week […]

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Is Water Scarcity Destablizing Iraq?

Via Slate, commentary on the impact that water scarcity may have had upon the emerging conflict in Iraq: This winter was not a good one for farmers in the Fertile Crescent. A punishing drought hit most of Syria and northern Iraq during what’s normally the wettest time of the year. In the mountains of eastern […]

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The Parched Tiger: New Delhi’s Water Crisis

Via the Financial Times, a report on New Delhi’s water crisis: Hunting for one of the necessities of life was not how Lakhvinder Singh, a former civil servant from India’s Telecommunications Department, imagined he would spend his otherwise comfortable retirement. But as the summer temperature tops 45 degrees, Mr Singh and many of the other […]

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Irrigation Practices And Potential For Water Conflict In The Tibetan Plateau

Via Future Directions, a report on the potential for conflict over water rights in the Tibetan Plateau, especially in light of existing irrigation practices.  The full report is below but here is the key section re: areas for possible tension: As water becomes scarcer, conflicting claims over shared water resources pose a major regional security […]

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Conflicts in Kyrgyzstan: Foreshadowing Water Wars to Come?

Via Creative Time Reports, a look at the water stress of Central Asia where the region is divided into water-rich upstream states, and water-poor downstream ones, and the division leads to conflict and tit-for-tat exchanges, in which water is used for leverage.  This article places a particular focus on Kyrgyzstan where the convergence of a […]

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Where Will The World’s Water Conflicts Erupt?

Courtesy of Popular Science, an interesting graphic of where will the world’s water conflicts may erupt: Where will the world’s water conflicts erupt? The map displays nearly 2,000 incidents, involving conflict and collaboration alike, over shared river basins from 1990 to 2008. The circles in the sidebar compare about 2,200 events—including another 200 disputes over […]

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