Archive for May, 2013

Syria: Without Water, Revolution

Courtesy of The New York Times, an interesting Op-Ed by Thomas Friedman examining the link between drought and revolution in Syria: I just spent a day in this northeast Syrian town. It was terrifying — much more so than I anticipated — but not because we were threatened in any way by the Free Syrian […]

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Libya’s “Water Wars” And Gaddafi`s Great Man-Made River Project

Via Global Resource, a comprehensive look at Libya’s “Water Wars” and Gaddafi`s Great Man-Made River Project: It was Muammar Gaddafi`s dream to provide fresh water for all Libyans and to make Libya self-sufficient in food production. Libyans called it the eighth wonder of the world. Western media called it a pet project and the pipe […]

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IMU, Taliban Threaten Turkmen, Uzbek Water Resource

Via Central Asia Online, an interesting report on Central Asian water tension: Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) militants are menacing an Afghan water resource valuable to Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, the Faryab Province police chief told Deutsche Welle (DW) in an interview published May 9. The militants in late April attacked three districts in Faryab Province, […]

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U.S., Mexico: The Decline Of The Colorado River And A Projected Water Deficit

Courtesy of STRATFOR (subscription required), a detailed look at an amendment to a standing water treaty between the United States and Mexico which has received publicity over the past six months as an example of progress in water sharing agreements. But – as the article notes – the amendment, called Minute 319, is simply a glimpse […]

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Egypt Dismisses Use Of Force To Solve The Nile River Conflict

Via Pensa Latina, a report from Egypt regarding the possibility of force in resolving a lingering conflict over the Nile River: Egypt will not resort to force to resolve the dispute with Ethiopia on the quota of the Nile river water, assured the Defence Minister General Abdel Fattah el Sisi in statements cirdulated here today. […]

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The Third Pole: Impact Of A Changing Climate

Via The Economist, an interesting look at the climate of Tibet, home to the world’s third-largest area of ice: OF ALL the transitions brought about on the Earth’s surface by temperature change, the melting of ice into water is the starkest. It is binary. And for the land beneath, the air above and the life […]

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