Archive for August, 2010

Nuclear Weapons and Water Tensions in South Asia

Via WaterWired, a rather pessimistic view on how water issues may lead to increased tension between India and Pakistan in the years ahead: “…Transcending the ethnic and political tensions that have existed between these nuclear power country’s since the establishment of  Pakistan is water. Water disputes instead of  religion and border conflict could trigger a […]

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The Thirsty Dragon: China’s Water Grab?

Courtesy of Foreign Policy, an interesting look at China’s interest in the Mekong River and the conclusion that – if America wants to strengthen its presence in Asia – it should focus less on the South China Sea and more on the Mekong.  As the article notes: “…In recent weeks, the United States has taken […]

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Pakistan: Caught Between Floods, Drought, and Politics

Via The Financial Times, a report on the challenges – short- and long-term – facing Pakistan over water.  As the article notes: “…The Indus has not been kind to Mohammed Maitlo. His one-acre farm in Pakistan received so little water for irrigation this year that his wheat crop was stunted. Then the river burst its […]

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Pakistan: Drowning Today, Parched Tomorrow

Courtesy of The New York Times, an interesting op-ed commentary on the geopolitical aspects of the hydro-plight of Pakistan.  As the article notes: “…HARD as it may be to believe when you see the images of the monsoon floods that are now devastating Pakistan, the country is actually on the verge of a critical shortage […]

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Hydraulic Harmony or Water Whimsy? Guarani Aquifer Countries Sign Agreement

Courtesy of The International Water Law Project, an update on the Guarani Aquifer Agreement recently signed by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay and whether it will help usher in a new era of global hydro-cooperation.  As the article notes: “…Now it’s the countries overlying the Guarani Aquifer. On August 2, 2010, the four nations overlaying […]

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