
Every day, it seems, we read about lakes disappearing, rivers running dry, or wells becoming contaminated.  As the world’s population booms, cities will continue expand onto dry or arid lands, a growing middle class will seek more modern conveniences like washing machines and dishwashers, and agricultural demands for irrigation will grow.  Water is destined to become an even more prized commodity and likely source of conflict than at present.

Having traveled extensively around our ever-shrinking globe and possessing a keen interest in business, the environment, policy, and economic development of emerging economies, I have observed that water issues are most often examined on a local or – at best – national level.  Such analyses are important, but it is my belief that water issues must be considered from a strategic, macro perspective to better understand the conflicts they may trigger and – more importantly – the solutions that may be developed.  Therefore, it is my pleasure to introduce Water Politics, a new blog dedicated to the identification and analysis of geopolitical water issues arising from the world’s growing and vast water deficits.

Initially, I’ll be posting once a week and, in time, I may post more frequently.  As my brief biography indicates, I am not a professional hydrologist, geologist, water engineer, or environmental advocate. Rather, I am an individual keenly interested in the rational identification and analysis of global geopolitical water issues.  So, this blog is intended to spark interest, debate, and further conversation on such issues.  It is my hope that such discussion will lead to an improved understanding of the strategic nature of water issues and, if we are truly lucky, perhaps some innovative ideas that could potentially offer solutions to these difficult issues.

I wish in closing this brief introduction to express my gratitude to Chun Yan-Miu for his valuable assistance in designing and setting up this blog, and to thank my wonderful wife whose support and interest in this endeavor were critical to motivating me to take it from a mere idea to reality. All errors, omissions, flawed viewpoints, and incomplete analyses that may inadvertently occur in the weeks and months ahead are mine, and mine alone.

Welcome to Water Politics. I hope you visit often.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, July 25th, 2007 at 10:34 am and is filed under News.  You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.  Both comments and pings are currently closed. 

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