Reading Toronto recently published a provocative report which contemplated the possibility that the havoc exploitative policies caused on the Aral Sea’s once seemingly robust ecosystem could conceivably emerge in North America if various jurisdictions (i.e. Canada, the U.S., various states & provinces) manage the Great Lakes with selfish, short-terms views in mind. As the article notes:
“…when the Great Lakes Compact was made between provinces and states bordering the Great Lakes it seemed that rational thought and long-term preservation of natural resources might actually win the day.
…[However], the drought of 2006 swept across North America’s Great Plains sucking water from the soil and threatening to bring back the “dirty thirties” or worse to the world’s supposed bread basket (or is that now the world’s ethanol tank). Just take a look at the map above. Turns out the Wisconsin borders Lake Superior and Lake Michigan. Guess what state was unable to ratify the Great Lakes Compact. You guessed it. With all that water just sitting there, why should neighbouring farmlands have to go without?
You can hear the trumpeting now. “This is a national emergency.” “We must have the water for short-term relief.” “The have states must share with the have nots.” I have no doubt that’s what the bureaucrats managing the Aral Sea once said. But since they are all dead now, who is to know—or care? It is history….”