Need to Deal With the Water Crisis Now

From Wired, an interesting set of slides on the unsustainable global demands on fresh water supplies from Peter Gleick, president and cofounder of the Pacific Institute. As the hypothetical presentation to the new U.S. president notes, sources are drying up in the US and worldwide, raising the specters of hunger, disease, and international conflict.

The US mismanages water at all levels. For instance, states compete for resources.
Proposal: Establish a non-partisan national water commission to recommend policy changes.

Drought costs $6-8 billion a year. Rivers are over-allocated. Reservoir levels are falling.
Proposal: Promote water conservation to reduce pressure on limited supplies.

Domestic water supplies and systems are vulnerable to multiple security threats.
Proposal: Improve monitoring. Hold water-security workshops at the US War Colleges, State Department, CIA, and DHS.

Water has profound implications for international security as well.
Proposal: Empower the US State Department to address global water-related disputes.

Nearly 1 billion people worldwide lack access to safe drinking water…
Proposal: Fund clean-water, sanitation, and hygiene projects in the developing world.

…leading to 2.5 million deaths annually from preventable illnesses and malnutrition.
Proposal: Take a leadership role in eliminating waterborne diseases.

Climate change will intensify flooding, storms, drought, and disease.
Proposal: Factor the effect of climate change on water supplies into all new infrastructure projects.

Taking water seriously is a no-brainer.
Proposal: Put water at the center of your administration’s strategic agenda.

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