Archive for the ‘Tigris-Euphrates System’ Category

Water Politics In The Tigris-Euphrates Basin

Courtesy of STRATFOR (subscription required), analysis of issues related to headwater management in the Tigris-Euphrates basin: Controlling the headwaters of the Tigris-Euphrates river basin gives Turkey leverage over its neighbors’ water security. Turkey has talked about utilizing its water resources since the country’s founding, but only since the mid-20th century has the government actively worked […]

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Islamic State Militants Threaten Turkey If Euphrates Water Supply Not Restored

Via RT, a report on the Islamist militant group ISIS’ threats to Turkey over water supplies: The Haditha Dam Islamic State militants have directly threatened Turkey with violence as they swore to “liberate” Istanbul in order to reopen a dam on the Euphrates River. Water flow to parts of Syria and Iraq is at a […]

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Three International Water Conflicts To Watch

Via Geopolitical Monitor, a look at three regions where water conflicts have the potential for boiling over: China-India: The Brahmaputra River The Brahmaputra River is a 2,900 km river that originates in Tibet and flows through India’s Arunachal Pradesh state before merging with the Ganges and draining into the Bay of Bengal in Bangladesh. It […]

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Iraq: Controlling Dams Key To Controlling The Country

Via Future Directions International, another look at the role that dams and water are playing in the Iraqi crisis: In a recent statement, the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq, Nickolay Mladenov, warned against the use of dams as ‘an instrument of terror’ in the current conflict. As rebels from the Islamic […]

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The Parched Tiger: Hobbled on Energy, India Ponders a Multitude of Dams

Via The New York Times, an article on India’s growing water stress and its plans to construct a large number of dams to help address its watergy constraint: As we noted here last week, over 600 million people lost power in India last summer, setting a modern record for the number of people affected by […]

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Turkish Water Projects Stirring Resentment Around The Region

Via Green Prophet, an interesting article on the impact of Turkish water projects on the wider region: “…Turkey’s massive Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP) is an effort to develop the country’s southeast region sustainably, through the use of hydropower plants, irrigation canals, and more. Whether such developments are truly sustainable has long been debated within Turkey. […]

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